
Writer's Block.

I don't know if I'm normal. I tend to doubt it. But my creativity comes and goes as it pleases. There are days when I'm so full of creative energy I cannot rest until I've written an entire chapter. Then there are weeks (or months) when I sit for hours in front of a white screen, writing and rewriting It was a dark and rainy night. Dark the night was. The night was dampish. The night was humid. Like a really humid humidity. Crap. Crap. Crap.

And then I get a bowl of Breyers and watch whatever design show I DVRed for such depressing occasions when reality tv is actually more paletable than the actual reality that I'm not the great writer I sometimes imagine I am.

But I rock The Office Trivial Pursuit. I promise you that.

I have to take what I can. My book is no closer to being finished than it was three months ago except that I am thisclose to killing off every character via radioactive spider. Which is, by the way, exactly what Stephanie Meyer should have done. I would have actually really enjoyed that.

"You cannot form a rational thought or walk without injuring yourself but your blood smells super AMAZING. Marry me Bella."
"No way! I'm too young to make that kind of commitment...turn me into a minion of the eternally damned."
"Seriously? If your smell wasn't so intoxicating to my vampiric senses I might think you were boarderline retarded."
"Oh Edward- you're so irresistably, so irrevocably pale and sparkly- AHHHH SPIDER KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!"

Too late. Death by Radioactive spider. The End.


Dusty said...

I agree, it's much better to end your story with something implausible and arachnophobic, then end a story with something you've tried to make believable and entertaining only to fall flat and be rejected- as I fear I have done. With Aragog dead and gone, maybe he's in the spirit world with my characters... Inspiration is calling... gotta go!!!

Chrystal said...

Please kill any and all radioactive spiders that try to get close to Amy or Edison! As purely satisfying as it would have been to read such an end coming to Bella and Edward, the same can not be said of your characters.